906-228-7600   |      1414 W. Fair Ave, Marquette, MI. 49855, Suite 49   |      MON-FRI: 6AM-7PM, SAT: 8AM-12PM   |       synergymqt@gmail.com

Injury of the Week: Osteoarthritis

Synergy Sports Medicine & Fitness - Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative orthopedic disease. OA most frequently affects the hips and knees. If it’s not treated it can progressively break down the articular cartilage of the joint becoming painful, and increase disfunction, joint stiffness, and weakness. According to a systematic review including 60 articles the most common treatments of OA:

1. Maintaining a BMI of 28 or less

2. A combination of aerobic training and strength training

3. Balance and proprioceptive training

4. NSAIDS and cortisone injection

The best outcomes for conservative treatment include a combination of several treatment options listed above. OA is not reversible, but symptoms can be managed, and the progression of the disease can be slowed down. If someone is struggling with OA the first steps are to improve overall health and wellness. When people have access to adipose tissue (aka fat), they tend to have increased insulin levels. The high insulin in the blood can increase the symptoms, including inflammation and breakdown of the articular cartilage. When someone is overweight and/or unconditioned the weakness of the quads can lead to more shear force on the hip and knee joints.

Point of the story: Build strong legs and maintain a healthy weight through proper nutrition and exercise without causing joint pain and inflammation! If you are struggling with pain from OA call Synergy Fitness for a free consultation. The Synergy Athletic Trainers can bill most Blue Cross Blue Shield insurances.

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